Friday, February 22, 2013

The Duckie Chronicles: Volume 1

 People are wondering, Where did this mysterious duckling come from? Or, as Aaron Alford asked, "What the heck is with this duck? How in the heck did you guys end up with a duck??"

It isn't all that complicated, just one of those Grace things. Either coincidence (for those who actually believe that random chance guides the workings of the universe), or God decided that we needed a duck. It happened like this.

The guy downstairs in Apartment 1 is named Ace, he's a very small old man (I think he's 88, but he could pass for 68) of mediterranean extraction, and a nice guy who has always got different sons, daughters, grandkids, cousins and the like visiting him. So, about a week ago one of his granddaughters came up from Visalia with her new baby to show her off to granddad. She came up to say hello the first day she was here because she saw all of the art on the walls from the parking lot downstairs, wanted a closer look, and wanted to meet whoever was responsable for all that painting.

So, she introduced herself and got to talking with Susanne. Susanne is great like that, she'll make friends with anyone who stands still long enough. I get to meet more interesting people that way than for any other reason. Anyway, this woman is named Lisa, I think, and Susanne told her that if she brought her baby upstairs, she (Susanne) would be happy to draw or paint the little tyke. She also discovered that this lady had brought a duck with her, and it was funny to see this duck following her around the parking area over the course of the next several days.

Lisa's baby was not feeling well, so she didn't get around to bringing her up until the day before she left town, and Susanne wasn't here at the time, so I took a couple of pictures of the baby for Susanne to work from if she ever gets around to painting the baby. Here's one of them.

After that, we didn't see her again, but the day after she left, Ace came up (again while Susanne was out) and told me that Lisa had left the duck behind because she was afraid some kid woiuld kill it and asked me if Susanne would want to adopt it. I told him I didn't know, and that I'd tell her he asked. I wasn't going to commit to any duck, but I knew damn well she was going to want it. Sure enough, when I told her Ace asked if we wanted to adopt the duck, she went downstairs and came back with the duck in short order.

Here you see me meeting the duck for the first time.
So that is where the duck came from. Where it is going I have no idea. Susanne has already decided she loves it, and the little bugger is growing on me like moss, so we are now proud parents of a duck a month before our wedding. Odd, but no one seems scandalized.

Duckie Bed.
We have determined that the duck does not like being alone. If one of us is not within about five feet it will come closer, and if it cannot see either of us it will start cheeping at max volume, and continue until one of us comes back in sight. Duckie follows on one or the other of our heels wherever we go if given the chance. Duckie followed us to the park and back the first night we had him. Duckie imprinted on both of us quickly, but favors Susanne because she dotes on the little booger.

We have also discovered that Duckie is no Beethoven (i.e. the pianist = peeingist), as it doesn't seem to urinate, but it sure is the poopinest thing you ever did see. BTW, I keep calling Duckie "It" because it is impossible to tell its gender until it grows up, and difficult with Peking Ducks anyway, because they are all white. Most of the time we are keeping him walled up in the kitchen where there is hardwood floor, so it is easy to clean. Thankfully it doesn't shit on people, so far. We are hoping to be able to potty-train Duckie, but aren't holding our breaths over it. Might be impossible.

 Today Duckie got to come to dry creek with us. We borrowed our other downstairs neighbor's car, another cool old guy who we've gotten to know, name of Jerry, and took his dog Salt, and the duck with us to hang out in the sun. First time duck ever met a dog, but Salt is a mellow old fellow, so it worked out well.

That is all about the duck for now, but stay tuned for more episodes of the Duckie Chronicles, random Batty Time, same Batty Station. Peace out to y'all.

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