Friday, March 26, 2010

Let the Walk Begin: Stardate Friday.03.26.2010:

It has been an eventful couple of weeks. My Mother wound up in the hospital 15 days ago, two weeks ago I arrived in Sasnta Barbara on an Amtrack Bus, and I alternated my time between the hospital, working on my parents property, friends houses, and long distance walk planning. 

I was going to come home Wendsday because she had moved into a rehabilitation home and appeared to be getting better. Early Wendsday morning she was readmitted to the hospital, this time in intensive care, so I remained in S.B. To await developments. 

Developments were not favorable, and early yesterday morning my Mother died.  I went to hospital to pay my last respects to her body in the morgue. I had to see her to believe in my heart that she was gone, and to part of me she will always be here, just out of sight. Then I went to the train station. 

I got back to Modesto after ten last night, and woke this morning to frantic preparations to leave, writing a eulogy for my Mom, sorting through clothes, Google Earth, buying sandles, prayer meetings and helping Susanne with her taxes. Tomorrow morning we are getting a ride to Monterey, and by the end of the day will be camping on the beach somewhere to the North of our drop off point. 

I think it is surreal but somehow appropriate that the timing worked out the way it did, I was able to say goodbye to my Mother, the last thing I said to her was, “I love you Mom.” Furthermore,this walk was meant to be spiritual from the begininng, and will provide a good enviornment to process my grief and turn my feelings and my memories into some art and some peace. Everything is very strange right now, but that is not unusual in my life. I am sadddened by my Mother's passing, I hope she finds peace, and I hope I can find some as well on the beautiful coast highway. Which brings me back to the title of this Blog entry: Let the Walk Begin, and God bless us all.


DC said...

The walk came at a fitting time. Have fun guys, make more memories.

durel68 said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just started reading your blog and stopped on this post. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope your journey does some healing.